What is the scariest creature ever designed
Greatest love song?
Greatest vocal performance album in rock. Which album and why?
Does having depression as a teenager really matter
Meatloaf that I made for lunch
We call him nipple boy. Show me why you gave your voids their nicknames
Farted in my yoga class
What was the sign your relationship was over?
What’s a subtle sign that someone is secretly going through a really hard time, but most people wouldn’t notice?
What’s One Thing You Wish Women Knew About Men (But Would Never Say Out Loud)?
I wonder if other logs feel betrayed by the one that is used to poke the others better on flames
My husband's fart snapped me out of a panic attack
I pee in cups
Where to buy Canadian flag patch
I still sleep with my childhood teddy bear, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop.
Which non-horror movie has a scene so disturbing it might as well be horror?
For those who have read the majority of SK's works (and I mean that literally, so 51% or around 33 books), what are your top five? This would exclude short story compilations but as a follow-up question, what is your favorite anthology?
If we're just going by sheer volume of quotables then "Bart vs. Australia" is the greatest Simpsons episode of all time
I farted and my boyfriend got mad!
What song would you like to hear Amigo cover?
Is orgasm the best feeling a human can get, or doing drugs beat it?
19 (f) Exhausted college student, destroy me
Lemme Have it
Who is the most famous person you’ve met?