Welche Rechte habe ich bzgl. Kündigung?
do women also look at random men in the street and think “i’d fuck that”?
what's a fan favorite that you cannot stand?
Reasons to stay sober
What's the weirdest thing your partner does that you've just accepted?
[Serious] How did you survive the most difficult and darkest time of your life?
If a part of "traditional" porn had to be permanently removed, which would it be?
What is something you are embarrassed to admit arouses you?
Was ist wenn ich wegen Streik nicht zur Arbeit erscheinen kann?
I’m confused, even with subtitles I don’t understand what Jenna said that made Amy no longer have her back, what was said in this scene?
Where is your favorite spot to be kissed?
Warum sind die Grünen so unbeliebt?
Why are there so many circumcised men in the US?
Welcher Comedian hat euch noch nie zum Lachen gebracht?
If you want to get pregnant are you supposed to keep the ejaculate inside you for a while to let it absorb?
Honestly, what would you do in public if it was socially acceptable?
Wie oft habt ihr Sex?
What drug should you NEVER take?
Was sind prägensten Sex Erlebnisse?
What is your least favorite part about sex?
How are you handling the winter weather and staying warm?
Wie viele Tage am Stück trägt ihr Eure Hosen, bis ihr sie wäscht?
What is your personal body count?
An alle Frauen: Wie soll der Mann den Sex initiieren?
BIDA - Freundin soll Putzfimmel unter Kontrolle bekommen.