Do you know someone who smokes weed/how frowned upon is it?
Need some help upping my blood mage's survivability
Where do you all get our currency?
Map juicing guide and statistics
Sanity check and open to suggestions from fellow exiles (my current mental situation)
Major currencies against USD
Got Hacked today, it aint over yet.
Inflation: Mechanic, greed, or both?
Help with defenses
Wtf with corpse explosions
Are these white mobs supposed to be worse than any boss I've ever encountered?
Is the trade not working for Console?
Ultimatum acendancy trial is bullsh*t
psn Account
Buying POE2 on PS5
Help a noob with “Frostfire archer” build idea?
POE2 Ascendancies or something idk the game isnt out yet
POE 2 Playstation Page
Summon raging spirit with warrior
How does damage conversion works?
[Mature Critisism/Discussion] What do you think about Pausing in Hardcore?
How long do you think it'll be until PoE 2 looks like this?
Cold Blood Mage looks like it can slap
What are your expectations for Blood Mage?
Wait, will we have clusters? Maybe Megalomaniac from Sim?