Whats this lake? i seriously cant find any info on it (It started filling up in 2000 and it's just south of lake balkash)
Turns out, Universe Sandbox does not want me to exit the game.
wyd in this situation?
Poor FPS on Steam Deck?
the Treaty of Hague - A Greater Dutch Empire
this is literally frostpunk
Guys, new york has fallen to russia😪😭
US Railroad Expansion 1840-1870
Does universe sandbox heavily rely on GPU?
What is this oval-shaped area? is it a lake or just some darker rock?
Pre Apocalyptic Earth as of 2030, one week before the dead rose
Post apocalyptic Tocantins as of 2036, 6 years after the dead rose
Time to have a clan rise to power >:3
How many languages do you speak (No lying)
Sethlans, the closest planet in my new system.
Bring it on kids
What political subdivisions have very diverse climates?
Guess this mountainous country. 5'x4' cut in wood
Map of Europe composed of all 1 euro coins. [OC]
Random spherical objects in the middle of mountains
Making a system. Is this a good amount of moons for a gas giant?
What would Poland's economic standing in Europe be if WWII never happened and they remained home to the world's largest Jewish community?
Anyone know how to stop this?