That's a big boi
Wen flight?
Rip b1086
Some individuals cut the cabels on at least two of TSE remote cameras less than 1 day before launch
Friendly reminder that rockets are basically controlled explosions
Deleted tweets are cray
tomorrow got me like
How Rockets Land
reminder not to have a good time
...Get stacked already!
Blue Ghost touched down!
It's that time again
Reusable futuristic soyuz. Thoughts? (Apart from the shitty render)
Third try’s the charm. LET’S GO!
Did you know that Blue Origin landed on the Moon before SpaceX?
Found these SpaceX drawings I did in high school
I think this about sums it up
When this game is fully finished, I think it will be better than KSP. (at least if you want a realistic Starbase simulator)
Flight 8 license is out, now markings it as ORBITAL FLIGHT!
This is the kind of advertisement I want to see on r/SpacexMasterrace
We have entered the age of enlightenment. Lights out for SLS.
Booster catch test in sfs