New LG gas range - knobs light the wrong burners
How to replace the end panel of a kitchen cabinet?
I can’t find the bug what bug makes this sound? Louder and faster than crickets I’m used to down here
Proofreading is hard
Leveraged buyout?
Daily Discussion Thread | February 06, 2023
[oc] how do we always have a problem with the BARE MINIMUM
Pulled up to the ATM this afternoon
We are living in the Idiocracy timeline aren’t we?
The Whole World Looking Back a Month Ago
I think I’ve finally got this down - 85/15 bread flour/rye and about 80% hydration
My parents live in the Pacific Northwest (US). My mom loves that it attracts hummingbirds so please help me out Reddit - what is this tall plant with the pink flowers?
Why N95 Masks Are Still In Short Supply In The U.S.
Friendly Friday Thread
Weekly Open Sourdough Questions and Discussion Post
[tomt] Getting a bunch of little balls to stay in their indentations in a game what is it?
Just closed on this 1852 beauty. Bonus fireplace pics in the comments.
Math is hard...
Ordering starters/sides as your main course
Homemade sourdough crust and sauce with Be Hive vegetarian pepperoni
My latest attempt - Homemade sauce and sourdough crust
100% vegan “turkey”. Don’t let them tell you it can’t be done (OC)
We can only be so lucky to have a friend as caring as Bill
New York Style homemade sourdough crust and sauce. Oven.
Can non native English speakers understand pig Latin?