Don't be fooled by Badgers adorable lil face! She keeps stealing food from the adults and starting fights she can't finish :')
I think my rat is a Ninja
Should I be worried ? New Rat momma.
3D rendered images vs. photo shoot for listings
Selling internationally, how to stop that.
Did you celebrate your first 100 sales?
Deadlines Over Design: Funny Project Management Shirts with a Hip-Hop Twist
I hope you guys like my late Christmas drawing. Presenting: The Rat King!
What should I do?
This is how absurd Etsy’s completely arbitrary delivery estimates are right now:
how do i help my introvert rat?
Pee smell won’t go away!
Yes, Teddy Fresh is probably nothing more than the H3 audience
Best strategy to buy packing and shipping supplies in UK?
How to respond to rude buyer
Let this go?
Ever started watching a horror movie that was too scary to finish?
Waa anyone else a bit disappointed by Heretic?
Look at this stumpy girl
Why does my rat walk weirdly
UK Sellers Return Process
Buyer waited 3 months to leave me bad review on Christmas Day.
Rat Hygiene - Infection Risks
Message from customer
Etsy removed a review with false facts!