I've been playing for years and just realized I can sell gems and minerals back to Clint after he breaks my geodes.
Are you kidding me!?!
Things you just won't do.
You work at a hospital. An unconscious homeless man is brought in with alcohol poisoning. While you are alone in the room with him, a scratch ticket falls out of his pocket showing he won $500,000.
New nail shape just dropped (jumpscare warning/NOT my nails)
Learn from my mistake
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it?
Begging the mods to made a rule against posting “Help Wanted” screenshots
please take time to read this. i need help
What are you addicted to?
A guess buying someone a house isn’t enough to become friends :\
Snow day Contribution
Google searches that are only made by Stardew players or 8-year-olds.
First Valentines Day set
Married Harvey yesterday
OK wait
R/Stadewvalley is full of Pierre simps
Materials for certain clothes!
Thought I was being clever. I was not.
i hope someone will get this
This belongs here
Clint, wtaf
Fans of dead celebrities, which death hurt you the most?
For the next ten years straight you will either have to smoke a big blunt every Tuesday and Friday at 11am or drink twenty bottles of beer per week. If you finish the challenge you’ll get 10,000,000$. Will you do it?