Soup leaving
On your last day, If you could play 1 Juice WRLD song , which one?
give me yalls top 5 juice songs all time
Which bits get stuck in your head constantly?
what juice wrld song holds the most memories for you?
Damn 😔this sad and toxic
Tell me your #1 song on your spotify wrapped
TPNE has been out for a while now what song do you keep going back too
Michigan Cannabis Dispensary with only Indiana plates in the parking lot
Making a goons + friends themed playlist. What else should go in?
Why is it easier for me to believe there is nothing after death?
Blarg is the Arab version of Charlie day.
Best 8 Legged Chinese Man.... and Go!!
Yumi in the recent Swagger video. Thoughts? Will he be cancelled?
Cheese Ham or Egg Butter?
Already let's settle this.... you guys like them? Or nah
helloooo , please help a fella out if u have the time to :D!!!
Face reveal
I just stumbled across this sub should I watch the pod
Do you feel Lunky?
TheDooo be like
Create one. Blank one is in the slides. Have fun Goon-ers
Would you rather date thedooo are lose a leg
Honse at Chili's
Goons Shaker Cup