What do you guys think this divisive plot twist in Court of the Dead is going to be? (Spoilers for Trials of Apollo)[general]
Thalia is the unluckiest demigod ever spoiler for [toa]
Headcanons [General]
What are your favorite parts of musical songs[all]
[All] Did anyone else notice how in Chalice of the gods Percy is surprised that Annabeth's hat is uncomfortable to wear, when he has worn it MULTIPLE times in the past and said nothing about tit?
What are your hopes for the next season?
Underrated/rare pairings you like? [All]
[all] The best adaption so far: Musical
How did you guys get into Percy Jackson?[all]
Is the musical only in London for this year?[all]
The Titan’s Curse
What two books out of the Percy Jackson series do you like the most. And what 2 books out of the Hero of Olympus series do you like the most? [all]
So, after a rewatch of both, both the movie and [pjotv] show are equally different from the books and equally accurate but in different ways. Which is weird considering Rick acted like the movie was the bane of his existence.
[pjotv] Did Rick change?
[all]Ethan Nakamura POC
[pjotv]The show was better than the movies in a way(kinda changed my mind), but disappointing
The show is disappointing
[pjotv]Am I the only one that thinks the movies were better than the shows?
[hoo] My opinion on Hoo [spoilers]