Looking for peg-e on ice. Anybody? I have a couple 4's and 5's I'd trade for it.
Looking g for the 2 and 3's to complete these sets.
Looking for the 2 and 3's to complete these albums.
LF 12 round fruits and midnight mayhem
Trades for what is pictured
Looking for 5's first. After that I will trade 5's for 4's.
Loose end times 2 for any of the 4's pictured.
Trades for what I'm missing
Trade anyone?
Happy thieves for unexpected gigts
4 start trades, looking for my last 2 4's.
Last not gold needed. Will trade either 5 star for it.
Looking for Zap
Zap for Heist
Looking for Heist Alert
Trades, I have a 3 star in here because I'll trade a 4 for it.
Trsdes, everything I have and need.
Everything I have and need to trade pictured.
Trades to complete these albums. All 1 to 3 stars.
Trades to complete these albums