Xenophobia in Chile
¿Alguien recuerda esta telenovela de TELEVEN?
Is there any HISTORICALLY accurate movie about Ancient or Medieval Chinese warfare?
Please, recommend one of the following CPU-GPU combinations for a Laptop: Intensive webrowsing, occasional gaming. I wish to play Cyberpunk fluid at mid-low graphics, the further in ABCD the more expensive. Budget is tight.
Apparently there's more Buddhism than Atheism in China right now? What is the CCP reaction to this?
Ancient results as an Israeli
Is it normal for a Venezuelan to have these many matches in USA?
So does this mean I'm mainly British?
I'm from Central Asia, but I have Polish ancestors? Need a help!
What are the pros and cons of joining a postdoc under a newly established PI versus an experienced PI?
Has Anyone Else Had Such Wildly Mixed Results on Ancient Origins?
V0.95 vs V2.5! Ngl these results really confused me 😭
My Results as a Levantine (Palestine,Jordan)
As a Venezuelan-Chinese: Ancient origins + Eurogenes K13
Korean person update
Updated ethnicity results for 1/2 Korean 1/2 Puertorican
My results came in yesterday, really cool stuff!
Ancient results at a Brit
results as spaniard with portuguese ancestry
Can someone help me understand my ancestors' migration history?
Ancient Populations genetic distance
2.5 Ethiopian Results
If you were a white presenting Hapa and had a child with someone who was fully Asian, would you refer to your child as Hapa?
Why drivers in china are so careless?