Power Query/Snowflake Lookup List question
Daily FI discussion thread - Monday, July 01, 2024
Obligatory “Hit my $100k Net Worth” post
want to learn PBI/SQL, course/book recs (willing to spend up to $500)
Slicer functionality
Have any of you ever used Power Automate to download a table widget/visual into a .csv file?
If you are an X Analyst, what is your salary?
Is FIRE possible or should I stick with standard retirement (65-67)
Opinion on this response
At what age will you FIRE, how much will you require each month to live, how long do you plan to live?
Data Analyst SQL job interview
When is the market correction coming?
100% 401k Employer Match
Would you tell your spouse you won the lottery?
Tell me if my retirement plan is positioned well
The BS they tell about Data Science…
What percentage of your portfolio do you hold in bonds?
FI/RE 6 years in - yearly update + musings
Are we behind in life?
I want to hold VT and VTI and chill, but aren't they too high?
Is VOO as core that bad?
What would you all say is a reasonable salary band for a Data Analyst II (2) role?
Betting on ice melting in the Arctic
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