Any contenders for this in Perth?
Looking for a good Audi tuner
It’s Friday Fuckwit time people
Buying a new fridge online
Funny or clever business names
How do you guys do this?
Starbucks store in Perth receives more negative reviews on opening day than every real cafe in the same shopping area combined
Fuckwit Friday: Early Edition
Anyone know what this is?
Random spotlights in sky
is pretty privilege real?
What is the funky smell in Malaga
What is an Unsolved Crime or niche mystery in Perth that you would like solved, or at least raise awareness about?
Wednesday win rather than whinge.
Kitchens... Gas or electric
How appetising is this!?
How do you all deal with tiny cockroaches in your unit?
Costco chicken smells off before expiring?
Hi All. Does anyone know the physical route that packages take from Sydney/Melbourne to Perth?
Wednesday Whingers Unite!
We, the people, want spearmint flavoured Yogo
Fuckwit Friday, Generalised Misanthropy Edition
Get off your f*ckin phones while driving!!
What’s everyone’s plans for the weekend
Fuckwit Friday - Name and shame