Age bracket in dating
Eta mistake - nationality
Have been dating someone who might (or might not) be moving within the next 6 months to a different country (EU based). Should I keep dating him?
Advice. Jump to consulting?
Help - chocolate on suede lining handbag
Help! Chocolate on suede
Drop your favorite picture of your lab being a stereotypical lab
Overheating dog
Daily sticky thread for rants, raves, celebrations, advice and more! New? Start here!
Do your dogs know how to use pillows?
What do men NOT want to see in a woman's online dating profile?
My bf(m26) likes to have really rough sex and I(f20) do not. What can I do to fix it?
Nobu reservation? Or anywhere else?
Car rental next wknd?
Nobu Malibu - where else?
At what point does it become a red flag to not know if I [31M] want kids?
Advice on where to stay?
Tips please