Tariffs will lower hotel prices
You're all complaining about the wrong thing
Brand new Tom ford oud wood 3.4oz I want $200 but throw me an offer located near south point
It's coarse and rough
Vegas Resistance
What is the coolest piece of Trek memorabilia you own?
my boyfriend cheated with my older sister.
We’re baaack! And in the same room! Ozarks Haints N Hooch.
My Meryl Silverburgh Cosplay from Metal Gear Solid!
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy protagonist and antagonist, and why?
Do you care about the race of characters?
Found this cursed image from highschool on my phone
Fire in a Bottle
Lonely, Lonely Man, How Have You Been?
Three Haiku of wasted love
Pictured: Elon Musk programing the next round of Optimus robots with an "awkward gesture"
What's up with the complete lack of significant resistance to what's going on in the USA?
[analog] collage
Not having prices in menu should be illegal !!!
I just read the first book in The Wizard of Oz series
What do you miss about the pandemic?
Is there a lore reason why Vader stopped Luke from killing palpatine here?
For newer players who don't understand the abbreviations
Intro Sprint counts as Free Upgrades