Yes, you need a thoracic CT scan, an Xray is not enough
Working on a life size simulator for repairing pectus arcuatum. Trying out different filaments to see which one's act like bone. So far I'm up to one rib.
Tär livin his best life!
Would an ekg and an echocardiogram rule out if pectus was causing physical symptoms heart/lung?
My eagles boy on his eagles pillow.
Thoughts on severity?
Seeking Help bc this is confusing
Bubbles coming from the bottom of this lake in BC creating a hole in the 8inch thick ice. Can anyone explain this? Is it methane or some other gas being released?
Scoliosis and Nuss
mochi saw snow for the first time >.< (she loved it.)
Screaming to the void
Hello, can I return this body, it's not working properly
Archibald the lil floofer sending rainbows and good vibes this Saturday ✨
Lilly doing a concern that I have sammich and she doesn't
A question for those of you with POTS as well
Blood samples and alcohol
Alcohol intolerance
Pectus Excavatum with Negative Haller Index
Ravitch or Nuss
Introducing the newest member of the pack, Maisie the Wunderhund!
A big ol pibble snoot! This is Apollo and he reeeaaally wants my ice cream.
My sweetest 8y/o cuddlebug that I haven’t seen in two weeks decided that the comfy spot was between my legs🥹
Bingo waiting nicely by the door
I love them so much it literally hurts