One of every land animal on Earth in a giant room. Which one animal is winning?
Looking for Bronze II ranked teammates
What do you think is the scariest sound effect ever created?
Tips for a newbie
Never seen more opposing fans
Anyone offer guidance to a new player?
Can I talk about NOT having a sponsor in AA?
Why does my (27M) girlfriend (22F) gets upset that I rub my feet on her when we lay down?
Gifting tickets and expecting an invite
I Hope You Find Your Way Home
Thought process from start to finish, when awoken to low bs of 49 at 3:30am
Anyone else feel insane / like they’re going to pass out after getting off a 30+ round game of zombies?
Anyone wanna run Terminus EE this afternoon?
BO6 ZOMBIES - favorite gun when PAPd
Stressed about A1C could use advice
Health insurance options in USA
Looking for topic tips - I am starting a new meeting!
I invented this when I was a little kid and still eat them often into my 20’s. I present The Potato Chip Sandwich
High Blood Sugar Palpitations
Heart palpitations during high?
Lowest so far. Does that mean Im almost cured?? 😂🥲
Song from game that I can no longer find
Our favorite horror movies of every year: 2015
Doom Posting Mega Thread