I wanna move out but i feel guilty.
I rly wanted pizza bagels this shob morning . Hehe
Would you eat expired white chocolate for 100 bucks?
Where can i go on Shabbat?
Where do i go on shabbos?
Breaking Shabbat: A weekly discussion thread:
How often do you use disassociation to deal?
any hacks for a sweet tooth?
Do you ever just… sleep to American Dad and have it play in the background at night?
Okay so why is judaism so mysoginisc?
What's your opinion on Tzniut?
What are some homemade remedies that can help a cold quickly ?
Sentimental paper clutter: hoe the heck do I deal with it?
Stuck in this horrid daily dish cycle…
Why DON’T you fear death?
am i having an ectopic pregnancy?
How do I get rid of these stains? No idea what they are. Probably something like vaseline
Skincare tips you wish you knew sooner?
Boycott Xmas
What is a good 1500 cal diet for a poor person wanting to lose fat
Does anyone else feel like they’re losing control of their life and the only way to “stay in control” is to declutter?
Pls help before I get murdered by my MIL
Egg sandwich
How do i get crayon/ marker off my dresser?
You can add two ingredients. What are they?