Which Friend is the series MVC (Most Valuable Character)?
If you could choose which friend out of the group to trust, approach for comfort and to be your best friend, who would it be and why?
What's the most out of character thing some of the supporting characters did?
Who is Your Most Irrationally Disliked Side Character?
We finished!
What episode of Friends is where it should’ve ended? (excluding the finale)
Beta Chat Style 'Goro'?
Where should I eat? lol
High School in VA beach area?
I can' believe the city gave dam neck road to amazon
David & Jen
Is it surreal to you that Matthew Perry is dead?
Yet he does this very thing in a later season...
As I was re-watching Friends. I realized in TOW the flashback, Monica actually introduces Chandler to Rachel, but I guess he already knew her and also kissed her as Ross mentioned🤔 Is there something I missed??
Mt. Trashmore 24/7?
What’s the best Friends episode for beginners?(excluding the pilot)
Friends Confessionals
What’s the most forgettable Friends episode?
Throwback to Season 1
What’s the weirdest episode of Friends?
Ross PMO here
Ben(Cole Sprouse) reminds Jen and David of their next lines. 😂♥️
What’s the saddest/most beautiful episode of Friends?
Phoebes 'porn'
Funniest Joey moment?