99% of Sly 3 players quit before they hit Dead Men Tell No Tales
I don’t wanna do it
What other weapons would you add to the Daylight Armor?
If PlayStation put every PS1-PS3 game on the PS Store, what game are you buying first?
Which boss fight is this?
You actually can’t make this up
Imagine that you could transform into your favorite alien but you receive a very fucked up condition, what would it be?
Which Nintendo Franchise Needs a Big Come Back?
You Being Search by Null sector. If You Convicted by a Crime, You have the Right to Remain Silent.
Rank these characters
Wtf is this 😭
Are jaggo Chao?
Which Pokemon would you want to be added next?
Insert Goku or name from an Highschool Anime
Comment the last game you played, but add "& Knuckles" to the end of it
If you were forced to nerf your Main based on something from its original game, what would it be?
Let’s see it
What game gets you like this often?
who do you wager is going to talk about suicide or killing themself?
What is the most satisfying spike to hit in the game?
Gen ten code names revealed in the leak and the two versions
Charles Choi reveals the secret of the second body
This guy invaded a country filled with enemies all by himself. A Yonko with his whole crew + a huge alliance and he was still sure that he could pull it off. Is he retarded or is the difference between Yonko and admiral not that big ?
It’s been three years. Where were you that day?
Nintendo Switch Online Code (3 months) Giveaway.