How do I make this less of a bricky mess?
If Itachi kills your parents 500.000 times, would you still care?
No tipping is out of hand.
Why do people not read Empen, it's been 2 years since this been released.
Wer AfD wählt, wählt den wirtschaftlichen Untergang
Ich vermisse das KI-lose Internet
Can you give comments/improvements for my deck?
It took me 80 hours to finish with the season on one character
I dont get it What happend?
I love D4 but its fun for not even week
Immortal mobs in the pit. This is the 4th or 5th group in this run. They start taking damage...then...they just become imortal.
Yet, they still call him a hero
Redeyes OTK!!!
Too late to find love
Kennt ihr wen der eine der Parteien gut findet?
Zerg DK?
Just a matter of perspective
Pit 95 clear - hardcore Blood Wave Necro
The Druid’s “Lacerate” build feels awful; what am I missing? What are the easier “speedfarming” builds?
How weak is the Cataclysm Druid build if you don't snapshot properly? Hard to find a cool top build that's not snapshot related
Can someone test out my deck and lmk how to improve it. Full deck list below
Are you a frequent quitter?
My relationship ended and I can't stop wanting to end myself
The OG YuGiOh Cards.
Occult gem crafting requirements are insane