Logan's reaction to Ken at Siobhan's wedding
cant call this guy pinkie pie anymore,, any name suggestions ?
I can’t be the only one who hates this thing right?
I teach 9th and 10th grade English Language Arts and the other day when cutting out materials for collaging, I came across this in universe Bojack Horseman ad. Had to take it home 😂
Pokemon Crystal Legacy at the bar
Save me from my OCD
My Chromatic was delivered 1 day after I already left for my holiday, finally got home and opened it!
After buying one for my brother for Christmas, I went out and bought one for myself! 😅
40th birthday splurge
Issues with Gamestop version
Let's talk about the new games!
Ex texted me after 10 months of no contact, how would you reply? Is it an attempt to crawl back to my life?
A United Healthcare CEO shooter lookalike competition takes place at Washington Square Park
Just started the Violet DLC today, I'm really loving it! (Ft. My shiny Ivysaur)
Who did it better?
FMAF official art style sucks
Those who have played it, what do you think of Splintered Fate on the Switch?
Why does Michael Afton hate William afton?
Video shows former UW football players assaulting bicyclist
Secrets of the Mimic and what it would need to be a good game
Should I give up on this? Please knock some sense into me if I need it
please do
What do you think about the Turtles' human designs in this short?
Images for The Legend of Zelda Master Sword Proplica - Does anyone own this?
Crazy ex hated my hair a bit ago