First CC?
Gentlemen, at long last the DOEs are arriving for all interested parties....
We need a new banner.
Unique romance Anime recommendations?
What Is Your Favorite Anime?
HELP!!!!! pistol won't hold the slide back after the last round is fired!!!!!
I want to get into anime but don't know where to start
Give me ‘PEAK’ recommendations to start my year please
Shoujo but all girls (iso)
In a world where we have a new FPGA or clone system come out every other day, how do we not have a GAMECAST yet? 😅
[Parts] Surefire X300-Turbo $249.99 + free shipping, A & B models | No tax outside Oklahoma
Help me choose
Capital cartridge or PPU?
Is this Unity FAST a clone?
Revolver Supremacy
My eyes are up here
First time handgun owner lost in a sea of options.
Whats a good pdw 300blk for around 1k?
horny IV
Austrians know what they're doing when it comes to angering fudds
Pros/cons of a Tacoma?
Thoughts? What would you change?