Lucky Eagle, Wings, join? Dress amazingly.
I can't fuck up my makeup right now
This sux
How kinky are you?
Got em coach, love being keen.
You're unhinged, explains the amazing felatio.
Sometimes I feel like some of y'all are bitch made on here.
How many pictures is appropriate to keep?
The grass is greener wherever you're not at.
There is no helping people like you.
Stepup or step off, youra option.
I don't believe in soulmates, but you...
Forgiveness is not always for them.
I'll getta room if you submit.
I’m off to sign the lease
Wish you would reach out
You're sucha fuckin hoe I luvit.
The water heals me every time.
If Only
I’m yours.
Soft, some of y'all soft af.
I Am the Master, and You Are Mine
Go make it a good day.