Favorite way to Shut Down "Why we are better than everyone" comments
Well it happened, my wife left me for the church.
First vision fabrication history
"How do I discuss the lack of evidence for LDS truth claims with my TBM parents?"
JS had woman and Emma needed to accept them. Even the non-pure ones -D&C 132
Origins of Polygamy List
Help for navigating potentially mixed faith marriage?
Mormons don't mention or quote the psalms very much, why is that?
Tithing Settlement as PIMO student
About the “Great Apostasy”
For those of you who feel you have been duped...
Paying back 40 years of tithing
Literally can't fall asleep while wearing my cpap mask
The secrets of being a successful PIMO. IMO
YSA Dating is Balls Right Now
I don't want to leave the church.
Church publishes Saints volume 4. Covering 1955-2020. The official History of the Church.
Leave quietly or loudly? Asking permission
Telling family I'm PIMO
I wanted to go back…
CONFIDENTIAL-RFM 363 Deleted Slides Elder Oaks admitting membership decline
Quiet renegotiation of the definition of "doctrine"
Hopped on nofap for my mission and I couldn’t be more miserable