Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
How are you getting yalls picks rate so high?
Married for two years, found this on his phone
Toilet seats
I'm a 15yr dating a 26yr
Will I be pointed for a natural disaster?
What is everyone’s number 1 reason for not wanting kids?
Does it ever get better?
Death in store
Looking for tips to soothe my hands
my bf cheated on me
What do you call this type of shoe/sandal?
My hands will never get better
Should i break up with my boyfriend?
What’s something you agree with your OCD on?
Contaminated hair
Car on fire on I10
My favorite place to smoke (ignore the dicklipper)
Was my mom high when she watched Moana in theaters?
My (23F) boyfriend (30M) wants head by itself. He is threatening to break up with me over this. What are your thoughts?
Scenic 90’s closed?
My boyfriend suddenly became pro life. What do I do.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real. It’s just a fact, regardless of what side you are on
What would you do if you found out a close friend is anti abortion?
Found this by Marion Oaks and disappointed.