Why is this community full of LGBQ+ people
drop a song and i’ll listen and tell you if it’s valid
As a non-autistic person, I have a question.
I’m thinking of doing a Wheel of r/teenagers users so comment and I will add your name
Name a queen song
Devoting last bites to deities.
Went to a mall the other day. So what the hell is this?
Worst things to hear while taking a shit.
Give me ur favorite album and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or not
They have a flag now?
Things you can say in the military AND while making love.
Who’s your top 5? I’ll go first. (It’s starts at 1)
What are your favourite devotional acts?
SFAH: How Not To Comment On A Women's Day Post
Is it possible to be a Muslim and worship greek gods?
What did you get?
What are the most disturbing facts you know about the human body?
Are you actually a teenager?
It's carnival season, an ancient Dionysiac custom, in Greece and Dionysus made an appearance (REAL nsfw)
Things not to say to a pagan. Go.
what did yall get?
my teacher is a pedophile
How do I apologise?