I found this at work
Who had a copy?
so you guys think it’s real? when i scan it, it tells me its a morgan cc coin.
I f'd up. Damn you, Katy Perry section names
Saw my first Rush show 40 years ago today
Location tracking-when did it start?
Video slot machines are painfully boring
What’s some cool music you’ve been listening to?
Selling 2 tickets for LA AID comedy show Sunday 3/16
Is this worth anything?
Change in concert etiquette/scene
accidentally got this from a quarter machine
Single ticket available for Arjit Pune gold Dm with ur bid
1 Arijit Singh VIP Ticket Available at low price Pune show
Arjit Pune 1 last ticket remaining giving Lowest dm
1976 bicentennial Quarter
So fare nothing but crap in the old wrapper rolls
Tracy Scoggins poses for a portrait in (1985).
Which genre of music took the over the 80s decade?
Sorry I never got to see Boston.
1963 no mint mark
McDonald's Breakfast in the 1980s with a Bic razor on the side!
Why Aren’t Young Adults interested in Glam or Traditional Heavy Metal?
Serial number