New kitten bullying older cat
Stanley loves to hang out with me while I take a bath. Sometimes he demands I hold him as he sleeps (while I am still in the tub lol)
The new Saizeriya garlic focaccia is depressing.
Why Do My Matches Drop Off So Quickly?
I can’t stop thinking about my ex either ethan
Painted the spot where my dad passed away.
How can I fix this?
Can’t for the life of me pick a name for my new kitten. Nothing seems to fit right
Butt fillers , am I in danger?
Remembering the kitties that left us in 2024 💫
Name our sandwich themed kitty! Our cat is Cheese and our dog is Rye!
Still struggling with a name for my girl. It’s going on 3 weeks and nothing is sticking. I like food names but I am open to anything. She’s a spunky little girl that loves to talk
strong legs to kick fascists 🤌
Stanley must join me when I take a shower or bath. Even if he’s having trouble staying awake! 😂 anyone else have a water-loving kitty?
Stanley must join me when I take a shower or bath. Even if he’s having trouble staying awake! 😂 he actually loves water though 😻
white hair from bald spot?!
i live in Georgia and need advice. do i vote harris, or....
around what age do kittens stop being as hyper???
Kitten chasing older cat
New kitten (not neutered) jumping on and biting neck of resident adult cat. Normal kitten behavior?
3 week vacation ruined by boyfriend’s niece has opened my eyes, now plan to be childfree forever
What exactly do I call her coloration?
New kitten chasing resident cat
Japanese protesters chanted “Free, free Palestine” at the Israeli embassy in Tokyo. Police blocked the road with a steel fence. Protesters still trying to approach the embassy.
Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread - 27 September 2024