Whats in the box! ( wrong answers only )
Should this greatness main event night 1?
Is IYO vs Bianca vs Rhea bigger than Bianca vs Rhea?
They SUCK !
Is Jey's story better than the Rock and Cody thing?
Will this be the worst promo in 2025?
Do you think it should be the main event?
New Women's Champion?
Me while watching the DIY&PD and the tag team match after Rock's segment
"Enjoy the ride that the Rock is taking you on" makes sense now.
Controversial opinion- this guy should’ve won the rumble
What do you think about the idea of reducing the number of matches in PLEs?
Would you like to see him as a babyface?
Here’s my plan for booking Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens.
This match destroyed Drew Mcintyre.
Any thoughts on this WrestleMania 41 match card
Who should be cenas final opponent?
Final predictions who’s winning
Is he the worst us champ ever?
Dakota Kai
Elimination Chamber Fantasy Booking.
Which one do you prefer?
Let him have it
What do you think about him as a WWE commentator?