Binnenkort je reddit koppelen aan itsMe?
Mening over het feit dat er geen West-Vlamingen in de regering zitten?
First post - safe to retire early?
Average Dutch meal
“Ik vind de meerwaardebelasting immoreel en onethisch”: Jean-Marie Dedecker stapt (opnieuw) uit N-VA-fractie in Kamer
Which movie is that for you?
Another dictator obsessed with us
Waarom haat de regering de middenklasse zo erg
Kanye West with Bianca Censori
What exactly is (or was) the purpose of the senate?
Jan Jambon op Financiën....... Had toch liever Van Peteghem gezien
Belgian minister of defence introduces her successor to the people
2/3 majority to abolish the senate: the stance of the opposition
Quality of restaurants
Seen enough of Gulfstream Park
Toekomstig premier De Wever: "Hervormingen in arbeidsmarkt en pensioenen zijn communautaire hervormingen"
Wtf belgium no 50% bracket abolition and more tax??????
CGT: optimisation
Av de Tervuren closed anyone know why?
French W February: Day 1
Afrikaans can sound really wrong when you have a dirty mind
Guys, it's with an heavy heart that I announce to you that we won't beat our record without a government this time
Arizona: Is this really happening?
This guy
Zolaat man