Players don't know jammers?
Light,Medium,Heavy.... who cares, we all know the correct armor choice is the one with the best drip
Saw someone slander light armor on here. This is war.
ever heard of GREEN humor buddy
Medieval extreme kettle helm
I'm not gay but,
The moment Calypso was defended
I have a dilemma. Midterms or Protecting Managed Democracy?
Thoughts on the laser cannon?
Tell me your favorite tank and ill rank it
Servo assisted strategem bouncing
Strategem sequence triggers rover recall
New detector tower bug
Worst pains known to man
500 KG using supply backpack
Me with a Blitzer and Grenade Pistol watching my friend get overwhelmed by Hunters
Bot 10 now seems to be unintentionally much more brutal.
New Fav Stratagem
What Is Your Go-To Stratagem Combo for Bots?
I just got helldivers 2 ok play station nd it’s downloading but if anyone can play with me when it’s done would be great
To people who say 10 is to hard.
What have you guys found is effective vs the new Rocket Scout Striders?
Blitzer Issue
Pre-Mission PSA: The Map Screen... (specifically on the Bot front)