Are there any good examples and resources for cis women or other AFAB people who speak masculinity without taking T?
So Do I
Average Transfemme Dating Experience
Which Pokémon is this for you?
What to you all think of this study?
Obese adults randomly assigned to intermittent fasting did not lose weight relative to a control group eating substantially similar diets (calories, macronutrients). n=41
Whatifalthist comes out as advanced mystic and claims to run a mystic order.
Why are people now saying Jimmy Carter ushered in neo-liberalism instead of Reagan? This is news to me.
Are there actual bi butches out there or do they only exist online?
Masc Bisexual Rep
The Story of Tranta Clause
TikTok influencers flee Romania amid tax probe into their election role. Influencers who helped propel an ultranationalist, pro-Putin candidate to the brink of the presidency have fled the country
When did gen z start to go conservative?
Do birth records count for births before certificates were mandated?
How should LA urbanize? Look to Seoul
I Have Created It: The Ultimate Bisexual Bingo Card