Top 20 Batman stories: Day 16
This line is so underrated. It makes me sort of emotional whenever I get to it.
How the hell you supposed to beat jill and wesker ?
Just saying...
Any ideas for reborn background?
This has happened too many times to not be true...
Is anyone else funding the Justice League or is it all just Batman?
What's the best villain look stealing Batman's title?
Sutra krećemo. Tri trgovačka lanca: Lidl, dm, Eurospin. Tri kategorije proizvoda: gazirana bezalkoholna i energetska pića, flaširane vode u svim pakiranjima, SVI DETERDŽENTI za pranje rublja i posuđa.
Do you think Batman The dark knight is the best superhero movie of all time?
Yesterday vs Today
wtf, how can someone get offended by something so sweet
SPOILER:What was the point of Colonel Jupiter? I mean he was in only one episode
Shadow in the Mountains: Wendigo of Barovia module (monster supplement+items+lore)
No. Just, no.
World’s first bed-making contraption
Certificate of Completion?
Ideas for new campaign
Blue Water Inn V2.0 Map | 30x40
What do you do if 2 milestones end up in the same session?
Razlika u godinama
I think this is very valid criticism
Apparently the non-Facebook scientists have never heard of desalination plants
found this rock split perfectly in half
Okay,,, noted