My reads thus far this year! (12/70)
My reads so far this year! 20/52
i finally read bunny by Mona Awad
I just hit 1k subs on my channel about Sci-Fi books in ~8 months. My number one tip here
Erotic, sensual weird lit recs?
Quick Review - The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville
Name an obscure fantasy novel and lose a point for every person who says they’ve read it
Five Decembers by James Kestrel
My 52 books of 2024!
15/12. This was the year I rekindled my childhood love of reading. Shooting for 24 in 2025!
The 64 books I read this year
Tier ranked: the last 66 books i've read in 2024 (141/52)
Should I just DNF?
Looking for “farm boy saves the world” books
25/25 Books - Pretty good for such a slow reader! Feel free to debate my takes
My books for the year (49/40)
I will rate Your Channel out of 10 and give suggestions. What is your YouTube Channel Niche?
Free Time To Rate Content From 1 - 10
Feedback Friday! Post your videos here if you want constructive critiques!
Biggest Turn-Off For A Fantasy Book
Show Me What You Got Part 3: Winter Edition
2024 Tierlist - in progress, 73/100 - (repost with more info)
45/26 – so inspired by this sub!
All 18 October reads, ask me anything you wanna know, there are some obscure ones on here!
69/52 The Six Deaths of the Saint by Alix E Harrow