The Third New Aspect
Stop telling on yourself
Swap Diamond lance in Prismatic titan with Howl of the storm
Solar Hunter honestly feels seriously outdated. It needs major updates.
Potential new aspects / abilities that Bungie might be cooking (?)
The suppression verb on void has been heavily underutilized.
This whole area should be renamed Bitchsmellvania
Not Swap is a bad idea in the current state of the game
Is Anarchy Finally Good Again?
I believe Some Exotics are unpopular because they are simply ugly.
Nightstalkers design is diabolical (in PvE)
Juggernaut hasn’t just fallen behind, Storm’s Keep is dancing on it’s grave
Hunter plan to boycott guardian game!
We have Thorn and G-Horn armor, what other exotic weapon themes armor do you want
Chick with genetic defect
What does my top 5 say about me
third Subjugator variant that was in the concept art. Ideas as to why it got cut?
Free Agency Thoughts?
Could we take a look at some of these exotics?
Why is Broodweaver bad?
On the Crafting Issue
Lets work together and design a Solar Hunter Exotic that provides Restoration or Cure. One feature I think would be great is the ability to spread Cure x2 whenever we trigger an Ignition.
Young Ahamkara Spine Idea
Removing Sunsetting is the Source of All Your Problems
Dungeon Exotics for Trials of the Nine