If you are checking my account you probably want a Fact Check meme don't you?
Guess my memes made it into videos, idk how to feel? Surprised for sure lol
Macedonians - try not to be delusional challenge (impossible)🐒
The signs were always there!
Corruption schemes in Ukraine revealed ‼️
Oh yea
Don’t you try to drive on Crete, will be last mistake of your life😬
Robmanians, we need to steal ourselves an Empire already😤
To all Bulgurians and Romangutans
Croatians and their obsession to block others from having sea access must be studied🧐
Zelensky vs Trump and Vens
Poor Croatians can’t even visit South America without “incidents” smh😒
Sorry Servia, perhaps we’ve been too harsh on you😔
Greedy serbs leaving Montenegro unbombed😤
Albanians only need women for 1 thing (organs€€€€)🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Presa și societatea civilă din Republica Moldova, sub atacul rețelei Moscovei la Chișinău
The (roma)nian dream
Turkish peasants welcome your new Basileus!
Tito and his experiments have been a real tragedy to humankind😔
At least they got some land during WW2 🫡
Nice romantic turkish song🇹🇷🦃
Greeks learned the hard way not to trust e*toids🫢
an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
Hatsune Miku is Romanian
Alexandr Dughin: „Occidentul e mort. Ucraina e a noastră. Punct”. Ideologul lui Putin revendică inclusiv „părți ale Europei de Est”