Blue gun stores
It’s hard to fight temptation when this is my LGS
Gen 1 G17
First 1022
More Pics of My Water Test and a Sandhill Crane
Owning a gun is not enough, you have to actually learn to shoot.
My 3lb 2oz ultralight build
Cthulhu or piece meal?
The Stupidest pistol I will own.
Rebuilt G45, Amazing!
Building a plinking/hunting 10/22 for $600
NFA Engraving - Nashville / Middle Tennessee
About to lose health insurance and hesitant to go to the range
The Tactical Peanut Butter Collection. I've had too much free time, and updated some of my rifles. I thought I was done last week, but switched things up again, since it made more sense this way. Details of each rifle can be found in the post.
Sourcing a CZ457 Varmint MTR
Ammo recommendations
17L.5 or Radian Ramjet/Afterburner for 19.4?
Has LVT model been discontinued?
Carrying while jogging/running.
Easy way to install magazine spring in Ruger MK mags.
Olympic Arm Whitney Wolverine
Did a little vintage-style upgrading to my Mustang Plus II, what does the hive mind think?
Students discover handgun left by officer in bathroom (Michigan)