Epcot trip
How the hell did y'all walk around with Discmen???
My coworker swears she's chronically ill and falling apart at the seams
It appears that Jill has removed all her posts and videos from her Epcot trip from her Facebook.
So, will Jill consider this her once a year annual vacation 👀👀
Chosen English names.
Nice to see her support! (Obvious edit)
feeling frustrated
Jill doesn’t know about this yet? It was posted in r/antimlm 12 days ago
She is so petty
Opinions on foreigners who come to Thailand/Asia and beg for money to sponsor their travel?!
Please don't let your children. Build caves in the snowballs it's not safe!!!
Which scams will they fall for?
Thailand Trip
Culture shock
Brown bib $345 base layers $190.
Thought I'd try to rewrite in reality....
JRod was gifted this book a year or two ago, what do you suggest for this year??😂
This entitled lady in a local neighborhood group. Not her first oddly specific and listed request.
Internet leech
Who is who?
"Prom" "Dates"
Jrod Vacations 2024
The Mahdestest of Mahdest