Looking for blanket pattern(s) that look good as scrap blankets
More Unconventional Nicknames for Elizabeth?
What shoe? How else would you style this skirt?
Why/how did you first start journaling?
Do you find the "romantic satisfaction" system from Lovestruck annoying?
Help Nerds! Baby girl name suggestions please!
Nature inspired boys names?
Please. Give me ONE song to listen to. Any song. Any genre.
What is your Grandparents names ?
Do you know what your name would have been if had been born a different sex?
My first doily
Those who journal daily, do you keep record of/track anything?
What are YOUR top 5 movies?
Guess my age with this one
how do I make my handwriting more legible?
What kind of journaling do you mainly do?
What does my handwriting say about me?
Requesting some good 10/10 movies to watch
Any Christmas movies meant just for adults?
Looking for Mystery/Thriller/Maybe a little romance
Classic dystopian novels?
Ending a Journal
What music are you listening to when journaling?
Must-Watch Horror Movies
Husband spilled a cup of coffee on my desk, trying not to cry