Just finished this sword I forged with a dozen different iron meteorites from around the world... It's crafted from over 2k layers of damascus steel, mother of pearl, and 24k gold.
Ranked 2.0 is the actual worst thing ever
In my YT recommendations this morning
Guys who listen to the Joe Rogan podcast believe the female orgasm is a myth
Weird fighting stance gets a guy knocked out
Strange shadow line when flying over Sweden
they're gonna let the retard live
Ruzzian Karen unhappy that Ukrainians are protesting against ruzzian missile strikes on civilians. Spits on cop gets arrested.
The neighbor shot the dog.
my neighbor shot my dog this past Sunday morning. The bullet nearly missed his spine and organs and it exit his body. 48 hrs in the vet and he’s home
Water Main Bursts under the road
don't underestimate your opponent