anime recommendations (dubbed pls)
Which of these F2P unit art goes the hardest?
Do y’all agree?
My Birthday Giveaway | Shiny Palkia Pogo Stamped | Ends Sunday , Jan 19th @8pm est
I'm bored...can you recommend awful animes?
How Has Your Anni Been?
Offers?(not all are lvl 100)
3 Z-Movie LFs? Who are yall hoping for? (META COOLER ON TOP)
What Anime do you think I definitely should watch ??
What do you guys think about this new upcoming Broly
What anime is this for you?!?
[8] Aw Man, here I thought I wouldn't phase on this guy
What game is this ?
What are some units you wish Legends doesn’t hold back with their Zenkais?
Name ONE character who can solo all anime.
So........ Which banner are you summoning on boys?
spell a word with your keybinds
Me personally emboar
This has surpassed the GoFrieza situation
If you wanted to create the strongest possible fighter who would you choose as parents?
Named 4 ultras more valid than these, oh wait… you can’t
What was the first song that you failed?
What r some units that need/you want in the next anni? I’ll start…
I’m not even in diamond rank yet and this is what I get put up with