Anyway to get sharper text in Nandeck? Or alternatives for inline icons?
Fraudsters try to cash fake $1M lottery ticket.
Bands that rerecord albums with different vocalists?
Flocking Hell - Sextant Studios - A deeply strategic roguelite that plays in < 5 minutes
I don't understand borders & drift
Maze Mice - TrampolineTales - A maze-running bullet heaven roguelite where time only moves when you move.
So far a 10/10 except for one thing..
What bands have 2 vocalists that sound the same?
Boundaries - Easily Erased (Official Music Video)
Bands like Alazka? (Aka Burning Down Alazka)
Cry of the Afflicted - The Unveiling
Magic Knight or Heroes of Might and Magic 3?
So where exactly are the card files stored?
Real Friends - Never Has Become Always
Leave A Comment To Win The Unannounced 2025 Bambu Lab 3D Printer & Other Prizes - OctoEverywhere is 5! 🔥
Novelists - Coda
Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection full games list announced
Mage Knight - "Compact Edition"
Shiren the Wanderer: The Mystery Dungeon of Serpentcoil Island Out Now
Introducing Project K: The League of Legends Trading Card Game
Any "single screen" games without map movement?
As I lay dyings Tim lambesis attacks wall
Solo games that 100% rely on skill instead of luck?
Redesigned card back based on feedback. How'd I do?
Currents appreciation