In curand divortata cu 2 copii
Vreau să-mi dau demisia iar angajatorul îmi face mustrare morală
Posibil să devin tată la 50 de ani, după pierderea copilului acum 6 ani, situație dificilă
Ce intrebari si curiozitati se pun cand achizitionezi un nou apartament?
A mai facut careva rinoplastie la spital de stat? Daca da, va rog recomandari
imi pierd singura prietena
Relație fără eforturi
Don't put yourself where YOU are the product
What do you recommend I buy that has changed your life?
Man the upcoming 11 sale is not worth it what the hell all the sellers increase the prices before the 11 11 sale so in 11 11 sale they can sell on the original price by showing it has discount bro I was waiting for 11 11 sale but the it's not worth it
Is it normal to keep seeing my nose crooked after rhinoplasty?
I’m obsessed right now.
All of these women are generally considered top tier on here, but which ones would’ve still been beautiful (9-10) pre-fame/pre surgery?
"Assignments" are for paid employees. Hard pass
Is it normal to have this much discount for new users?
What are the best free courses and resources in witchcraft that you know about?
What are the best free courses and resources in occult and magick that you know about?
Sa dau bacu sau sa fac o profesionala? Sunt extrem de indecisa si nu stiu ce sa fac
Who are your favorite mutually attractive film/show couples?
Which of these female celebrities with a doll-like appearance the most striking/unique face?
Cultivating gratitude
What the FUCK
Ce pot face impotriva chiriasilor galagiosi?