Did you think you could Talk no Jutsu people when you were younger? Why or why not?
Is media literacy a skill set that’s confined to just media and that’s it? Do most people on social media have it? Why or why not?
Does common sense usually get thrown out the window anytime a woman is involved or claims victimhood? Why or why not?
Do you also think French language sounds quieter than Spanish and Italian? Why or why not?
Hey, which is more gay, crushing a stud or crushing a fem boy?
What do you think of men who protect the weak and vulnerable?
What can one’s response to being bombarded with a lot of ambiguity tell us about them and how they think? How do different kinds of people respond to ambiguity?
What happens when you want to protect the weak and vulnerable but you have no critical thinking skills?
Do people who claim to fight sexism typically just end up actually being sexists in a way that they can’t accept as sexism? Why or why not?
What exactly does the word “The” even mean?
Should you take someone seriously if they are accusing you of mansplaining in a discussion or debate? Is that someone worth listening to? Why or why not?
Do children of parents who have lisp grow up to develop a lisp accent because that’s how they learned English from their parents who has a lisp? Why or why not?
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Why do men stop smiling at me when I smile at them 💔
Are most women on social media against men watching porn? Why?
Are most women on social media against men watching porn? If so why are they so… against it?
Do people believe more in cartoons more than in real life? Why or why not?
what exactly does “move on” mean as a suggestion to someone heartbroken?
You ever wish that it was just a prank and hope that someone will jump out and say "Gotcha!"? Why or why not?
What would you do if you were able to do anything you wanted?
What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?
Guys what do you think about female fitness models?
How would you end a friendship with someone who had committed a crime?