Why is girls wearing men’s clothing normal, but men wearing girls clothing “cross dressing”?
What do you no longer believe or do now that you’re on medication?
Haemophilia B, abortion?
Théoden from 2 to 16 weeks old
UK Tour Mailing List
Tammy, 14 renal disease and hyperthyroidism
My best friend and soul cat is gone. I don’t know when I’ll be okay again.
Having trouble post-hospital stay
I(23m) reacted when my gf(21f) recived a nude photo from her transgender friend, is this weird?
Anniversary celebrations
Hyperthyroidism and kidney disease in cats prognosis
Radioactive iodine therapy for hyperthyroidism
Going to a wedding alone, i only know the bride
Would carrying a baby with haeomiphilia affect surrogate
I 27(f), haemophilia b want to use a surrogate to have a baby
People with haemophilia b who've had babies
For those who have lost their fathers, please write down your age and at what age your father passed...
My boyfriend (28M) is disgusted at me (20F) for my (mostly eating/snack) habits and wants me to change them. Am I being too difficult?
Name suggestions? (Fem only please!)
It's Excorcist eve
Movies where people are forced to play a game?
What does this guy have planned for himself this evening? (Wrong answers only)
Why do some people die young?
People who can take addictive drugs and not get addicted, what are yalls secrets?
Which horror sub genre do you hate and won’t watch?