If you had to choose to eliminate one emotion for the rest of your life, what emotion would that be?
Do you get banned if you say the y word?
Do your parents know that you are on Reddit?
do you guys notice when a girl is staring at you?
If u could rename the earth what would u name it
What’s your embarrassing hobby you secretly love?
Can you make your dick move?
How did everyone’s first Rosa of the year go?
What's something you didn't know you would find terrifying?
How many hours do you spend with your phone and PC/PS per day???
If you had to be stuck at one age forever, which age would it be?
What game makes you feel like a total badass while you play it?
What movie do you watch at least once a year?
I accidentally slipped on a puddle of water and landed on my ass.
Did you ever try the experiment of putting Mentos gum in soda only for it to explode in your face? If so, what was your reaction afterwards?
Who is the most loved rapper in history?
What would most likely happen if King Von came back from the dead?
Which country would be the most likely to start World War III?
You're locked in a house for 1 year with no internet. You get a PC with 3 single player story driven games. What 3 games are you choosing?
Which GTA character would you most like to be friends with?
Help me name my new stray kitten, no human names
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
What was the most childish thing you’ve seen a full grown adult do?
What would you do if the dinosaurs returned?
What is your creepiest glitch in the matrix story?