Hack 'n Slash
Gfuel - Hack 'n Slash
Wish me luck
which should i try tomorrow?
Old lady blop
What is Ghost Citrus supposed to taste like???
Which One For The Night??
Hello. I'm watching Inuyasha on Netflix right now. I want to know something about the movies.
Shortcut to Heaven
Update on my question regarding this dog’s safety from cold weather. Dog was eventually allowed inside. Thank you for your help. (More info below)
Third best bois
Anyone notice no black canvases in the new seasons?
"Hype" nothing. Yuck.
“He wasn't about to die, was he, Newbie? Could've waited another month for a kidney”
Meh. It's okay to throw away food.
Drop a picture of your dog in the comments, and I'll randomly pick one to turn into a custom 3D printed light box photo
First time baking a cake
Tattooed in someone’s garage
Got my first tat and im not happy 🙁
On c-sections
Thoughts on Samantha?
Heat Trauma in the Sauna
What accidents did you want to see in Final Destination 7?
Need to learn my piping technique