Monsters by Moonlight
Any advice for running first game?
Do you also build in-game tools to speed up work? Here's my Cards Effects Editor
Game as an intro before spirit island
Just wrapped up the machine-inspired course for Mighty Marbles! 🤖 It’s a fun, challenging one to close out the set! Now it's time to get rolling on the minigolf-inspired course! ⛳️
Query about crafting etiquette
My Hooks Aren’t Catchy
How the hell was he able to steal it?
Tell me about a time when you gave up on grinding for something
Animorphs RPG in Discord
What gamemodes can i add to a party game?
i'm building a third-person maze adventure and i'm trying to think of different items that could be useful in solving mazes. all ideas are welcome! ps: this is still very early in development.
Effective Use of the Dark Master for the Monstrous?
Where Can I waste my money on assets ?
Are there any monster of the week hacks that remove HP, in exchange for conditions?
Can I play alttpr on delta emulator for IOS?
Thought Experiment: New Game Plus
Some improvements to my 3D Pallet Town test
Easiest way to learn a job that doesn't start at level 1?
How important is one DPS to a raid?
Running tired of the game during levelling I doing something wrong?
Spirit Spotlight 30: Ember Eyed Behemoth
New to MotW - What should I know about writing my first mystery?
I went to great lengths to bring the best character customization I could implement. Not bad for a SoloDev!